The Testament

The Testament
Location: Gamla stan!

An unknown mystic relative has died and you have been contacted by his lawyer and received the testament. Now it is time to enter his appartment in the ancient part of Stockholm for the first time to claim your heritage. You will need to find it out by yourselves. May be he leave something for you that you do not want!

Comment from Exit Games:

Even if this is a normal small room it is mainly developed for larger groups in Gamla stan that also plays Al Capone and The Club at the same time. So, for larger group arrangements, lets say up to 20 persons, basically only possible weekdays please contact us for further details.

(If you are a small team that just want to play the Testament, just contact us and we find a time slot for you)

Booking Now!


This room is mainly dedicated to large group bookings that play Al Capone and The Club at the same time. Groups size in total up to appr 20 persons. Max 6 pers in The Testament, max 6 pers in Al Capone och max 6 pers in The Club. This arrangement is usually only possible during week days. If you are interested in this room please contact us by mail, contact form or telephone.